The founder and leader of Atwater Chemical Company Jessie Chauhan are an energetic sort of guy. In the early days of his business, Jessie is very experienced and he is so enthusiastic about a new kind of detergent he developed, called Green Valley, that he decided to try it on his employees (which included his wife) at a picnic. Later he explained to them that the company was going to call it Green Valley and sell mineral water out of a truck in the truck drive-through window. It was one of his many ways of motivating his employees. Today Atwater Chemical is one of the biggest successful companies in the area, but it wasn’t that long ago that Jess was reading off a checklist as he addressed his employees, “Don’t tic us!”

During his recent visit to the Dirt Lot, Jess reminded his fellow Atwater Chemical Company leaders that he’d won the presidential election four years ago and again he reminded them that Californians refuse to accept their leadership. “This time we’re not going to take it lying down,” he said, referring to the state of affairs in California at the moment. “I think we should take a stand.” California resistance to leadership can be seen in the fact that not only did Jesse Brown become Governor of California, but that half of the state legislature recently was sent there from outside the state.
Jessie Chauhan then told the assembled crowd at the Dirt Lot that he was willing to do what it took to “rebel” against the globalists who had come to steal the California way of life. And that, in fact, is exactly what he did. In the process, he won over a majority of the voters who cast their ballots for him, so now California is ready to take on the globalists and perhaps the global terrorists too.